Validity Period of Receipts and Invoices
Revenue Regulations No. 18-2012 and Revenue Regulations No. 10-2015
Under RR No. 18-2012 and RR No. 10-2015, receipts and invoices used to have a limited validity period of five years. With respect to manual receipts and invoices, the 5-year period was counted from the date of the Authority to Print (ATP). As to system-generated receipts and invoices, the 5-year period was counted from the date of the Permit to Use (PTU).
Expiration of the Validity Period
Upon expiration of the validity period, the unused manual receipts and invoices could not be used anymore. Such receipts and invoices should be surrendered to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and destroyed. The taxpayer should apply for a new ATP for the printing of new sets of receipts and invoices. Those who are using system-generated receipts and invoices should apply for the renewal or reissuance of their PTU.
Obviously, the policy of setting a validity period on receipts and invoices resulted in unintended additional burden and costs on the part of the taxpayer.
Revenue Regulations No. 6-2022 Removes the Validity Period
It is such a huge relief to the taxpayers that RR No. 6-2022 has removed the aforementioned validity period of receipts and invoices prescribed under RR No. 10-2015 and RR No. 18-2012. As such, receipts and invoices have no expiration period anymore.
PTUs, however, may be revoked by the BIR on certain grounds, including the following:
- Tampering of sales data/integrity of the data and/or software specification/features to alterlavoid the recording of a sale transaction;
- Any major repair, upgrade, integration and modification/alteration without prior notification and approval by the BIR office concerned, including the items enumerated in Section V, Item No. 8 of RMO No. 9-2021, to wit:
- Change in the functionalities of the system, particularly on enhancements that will have a direct effect on the financial aspect of the system that includes modified computations and other financial-related issues that were considered;
- Addition or Removal of modules or submodules within the system that will have a direct impact on the financial aspect of the system;
- Change in the system/software Version or Release Number that will have enhancements on the financial aspect of the system; and
- All other enhancements that will be deemed as a major system enhancement based on the recommendation of the technical evaluators of the BIR.;
- Any violation(s) on the policies and procedures for registration under RMO No. 10-2005 and RMO No. 9-2021, and other related revenue issuances.
There is forever indeed. 🙂