This website is a platform of self-expression. It is not a form of advertising or solicitation.
The Blog articulates the personal views and thoughts of the authors. Nothing is intended, and everything should not be taken, as a form of professional advice or opinion. Specific and actual concerns should be appropriately referred to competent persons.
Earnest efforts are exerted to keep the content within legal and moral bounds. However, due to the faults and frailties of human nature, the website, including the content in whole or in part, is not covered by any warranty of any form or kind.
Random Notes
This category is an avenue of free speech, unhampered by censorship and constrained only by the parameters of good manners and right conduct. The articles reflect the author’s musings about life, its depths and inanities, its wonders and absurdities, precipitated by unrestrained consumption of too many cups of coffee. Unless otherwise indicated or the contrary clearly appears in the context, all stories (including the characters, places, and events) are mere creations of caffeine-inundated minds. Any resemblance to real persons or similarity with actual places and events is purely coincidental, is not intended, and should not be inferred.
External Links
Links to other websites are provided for browsing convenience purposes only. Their presence should neither be construed as a promotion or an endorsement of such websites nor be taken as a warranty regarding their Content or a representation of any kind.
Final Thoughts
Users are advised to give this disclaimer a serious consideration, to exercise due diligence, and to observe a reasonable level of skepticism.
Updated: August 8, 2020